"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--F.A. Hayek
23 October 2011
Of Trees Falling in a Remote Forest

18 October 2011
Whither Jobs?
Separate Jobs from Health Care
Michael Munger
I win drinks in bars sometimes by betting on the answers to two questions. First, what nation in the world “lost” the most jobs between 1990 and 2005? Second, what nation in the world leads in the value of manufacturing products?
The answers are the U.S. and China, but not in that order. China lost by far the most manufacturing jobs between 1990 and 2005, and the U.S. still leads the next largest manufacturing economy by a full 25 percent.
Think about it: In 1990, a “factory” in China was a large shed with 1,200 workers with sewing machines, sitting beside a pile of patterns, cloth, and scraps. Today that factory is 100 times as productive, but it only has 30 employees tending modern and lightning fast machines.
The same thing has happened in the U.S., in industry after industry. As we increased our output, we “lost” jobs to increased productivity. We didn’t ship those jobs to China; China lost even more jobs than we did.
The difference is that China more than replaced its lost jobs with new jobs, in new industries. Until recently, the U.S. has always been able to do that, too. What has changed?
The problem is both obvious and hard to see: It’s health care costs. The U.S. has produced quite a few new service sector jobs, jobs at the lower end of the pay scale, jobs that don’t usually come with health benefits.
But those “good” jobs, the ones that the president is looking for? Health care costs have driven a wedge between what employers pay and what they get in terms of productivity. Wages for workers in many industries have been flat, or nearly flat, in real terms since 1990. But total compensation, especially health care costs on the best jobs, has increased at a rate of more than 3 percent per year on average.
Employers paying more, workers seeing no increase in take-home pay: a constantly increasing wedge being driven into job growth. More than all of our productivity growth has been sucked into the voracious maw of health care costs. Until we break the connection between jobs and health care, there is no way for the U.S. to begin to recover job growth.
Unfortunately, the fiasco of health care reform in 2009 made this problem worse, not better. The new law created a complex, expensive system with no cost controls. And since insurance cannot cost less than the care it covers, this implicit but very real tax on job creation is hamstringing the recovery.
* * * * *
Professor Munger is a frequent guest on the EconTalk podcast with Russ Roberts. The EconTalk podcast is a tremendous source of information. My favorite is the discussion on price gouging, about which I've written previously.
Two days in and I've broken my new non-posting past 11pm rule twice.
17 October 2011
More on the Occupiers

08 October 2011
Don't Hate the Player(s)
On the morrow of the Philadelphia Phillies being eliminated from the 2011 Major League Baseball playoffs I have been reading on facebook and elsewhere that the team was eliminated because the players didn't do "their job." Some have implied, while others have said explicitly, that based on how well the players are paid, this alleged failure is made worse. Incidental to this argument is that since the players are paid so handsomely, the cost of attending a baseball game (or any professional sporting event) has become prohibitive to the "common fan." The syllogism runs thus: the players demand a lot of money (to play a kids game!); the owners need to generate that money from somewhere; ticket prices are high, therefore the players are responsible for the high ticket prices. Ancillary to this is that thus they should perform at a level that brings the most pleasure to the fans (the high cost of attending an event should provide maximum utility).*
This is so common a refrain that it is almost cliché. It also has everything precisely backwards.
Major League Baseball consists of 30 teams, each has a pool of 40 players that can be available to fill a game-day roster of 25 positions. So at any given time, there are 1200 major leaguers, 750 of whom can play at any given time.** Supply of the number of teams, the number of players and the number of opportunities to watch baseball are limited.
The Phillies have a current streak of over 200 straight sell-outs at Citizens Bank Park, where a standing-room only ticket costs $17. The fact that there is tremendous demand for access to their games is what allows the team to charge what it does for seats (for a very formal and technical treatment of the elasticity of demand for major league baseball tickets, see here). Other factors include the per capita income of the Philadelphia area, the age of the stadium (and its amenities) and the team’s performance.
What does not determine the price to attend a game is what the Phillies have to pay the players. True, the Phillies need to field a good team to generate fan interest, and attendance, and I don’t deny that at the very margin there is a feedback loop. But the players salaries, league-wide, are a consequence of the interest the American people have in baseball and the fact that we will pay $25 to park far away from a ballpark, $40/seat, $5/hot dog or watch three minutes of commercials between every half-inning and two minutes between each pitching change, not a determinant.
Of course I wish the Phillies won last night. But they didn’t. And that has nothing to do with what they are paid.
I hope to get more into the economics of sports here, mostly for selfish reasons but also because it proves most of the truths about economics in general, is easy for most people to grasp and a lot more interesting than monetary theory and Keynesian rubbish.
Anyone interested in a great history of baseball, with a focus on the relationship between the owners and the players, should read The Lords of the Realm by John Helyar. I read this before the 1994 season and my interest in the business of sports has been piqued since.
*this is my blog, so I get to frame the syllogisms. I know this is a very rough sketch, but I was up late last night watching baseball so cut me some slack. Make comments and I will address any valid concerns there or in a later post.
**regular season, of course; rosters are expanded during the playoffs, but salaries are paid over the course of the regular season and based on the sample of work provided by any particular player over that span, so I’m sticking with this
06 October 2011
A Brilliant Observation
Once you figure out why your cell phone gets better and cheaper every year but
your public schools get more expensive and less effective, you can apply that
model to answer a great many questions about public policy.
03 October 2011
We Few, We Happy Few...
Student: Well, I mean, I obviously believe that my ideas are persuasive enough and beneficial enough to society that people should subscribe to them [at the conclusions of their own reason [sic]] and their own sense of right and wrong but frankly some people don’t, and yet…
Q: And at the end of the day you’ll use force against those people
Student: I believe that it is the role of the government to use force
Q: So you won’t do it yourself you’ll hire someone else to do it basically?
Student: That’s what a government is.
This is Paul Krugman saying that if you don't agree with the ideal of Progressivism and the idea that government is merely a large insurance company with an army, you are wrong. Your opinion isn't merely different than his, it is wrong. This is Thomas Friedman saying that he would prefer to be ruled by "enlightened autocrats, like they have in China." This is the complete abandonment of reason and persuasion. Think like us, or die.
Because Socialism and Progressivism are the abandonment of reason and logic. They work on emotion, not reality.
And if these kids are this stupid after attending college, why on earth would taxpayers want to forgive their loans? They should be paying extra interest.